Autoren: Wolfsperger, F.; Rhyner, H.; Schneebeli, M.
Erscheinungsjahr: 2019
Umfang: 232 Seiten
Zitat: Wolfsperger, F.; Rhyner, H.; Schneebeli, M., 2019: Slope preparation and grooming. A handbook for practitioners. 232 p.
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This book contains more than 200 pages full of practical examples to explain the scientific and multifaceted interrelations between these parameters, providing a wealth of information for any operational manager, chief of course, race director, or snowcat driver. The knowledge presented should help to enhance the quality of slopes and cross-country trails and also facilitate more efficient cooperation, thereby cutting the costs of facility operators and lowering competition budgets. I also found the discussions with Fabian Wolfsperger incredibly interesting and useful.
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